Rebuilding a site


Jim E

My host provider shut down unexpectedly and permanently. All I was able to retrieve from them was a zip file of the site. I have rebuilt the navigation on a local webserver (win2k/FR2002 ext) and tried to publish it to a commercial host provider. I have 3 issues to resolve right now:

1. When I am in navigation view on the local server, I do not see a "home page" icon on the page at the top of the nav structure. Is this part of the problem

2. It seems that the shared border on the left that has the FP Navigation bars in it is pushing the rest of the page below the nav bars. It should be to the right of it. When I view it in Normal view in FP, it looks correct. In Preview, it does not. Also, on the published commercial site

3. I had a number of photo gallery web components with pictures and comments. I have the gallery files, but they have become un-associated with each other. If I re-build them, all of the comments will be lost (assuming that I can remember which photo went where and how I may have edited them) is the site

This provider does not support ASP and if I had known that before I signed the bottom line, I would have chosen otherwise. I had some ASP on the home page and several other pages (security for some pages and a guest book). All can be re-done in PHP with some tutorials, time, and effort.

Stefan B Rusynko

1) Yes
- in Folder list right click your home page and select make home page - then redo your nav view
(make sure the file name is that required by your new host)
2) Provide a URL
3) You are using word/shape art (absolutely positioned) and most of your links are broken
(pointing to your hard disc as in <a href="file:///V:/Inetpub/wwwroot/pack80/SpaceDerby.htm">

| My host provider shut down unexpectedly and permanently. All I was able to retrieve from them was a zip file of the site. I have
rebuilt the navigation on a local webserver (win2k/FR2002 ext) and tried to publish it to a commercial host provider. I have 3
issues to resolve right now:
| 1. When I am in navigation view on the local server, I do not see a "home page" icon on the page at the top of the nav structure.
Is this part of the problem?
| 2. It seems that the shared border on the left that has the FP Navigation bars in it is pushing the rest of the page below the nav
bars. It should be to the right of it. When I view it in Normal view in FP, it looks correct. In Preview, it does not. Also, on the
published commercial site.
| 3. I had a number of photo gallery web components with pictures and comments. I have the gallery files, but they have become
un-associated with each other. If I re-build them, all of the comments will be lost (assuming that I can remember which photo went
where and how I may have edited them).
| is the site.
| This provider does not support ASP and if I had known that before I signed the bottom line, I would have chosen otherwise. I had s
ome ASP on the home page and several other pages (security for some pages and a guest book). All can be re-done in PHP with some
tutorials, time, and effort.

Jim E

The Home Page worked. I knew that there was a way to change that.. Thanks

2. I don't understand your reference to providing a URL. For what? The commercial site is The temp/dev site is

3. I linked to the images folder in the dev site and then published the individual page. That was when it started to duplicate and multiply. Very strange.

Stefan B Rusynko

Disregard my # 2 comment - found the URL
Open the site in FP and run View Reports Problems - hyperlinks to find and fix all your links
(they must all be w/i your site as relative links or absolute URLs to any other online site)

| The Home Page worked. I knew that there was a way to change that.. Thanks!
| 2. I don't understand your reference to providing a URL. For what? The commercial site is The temp/dev site is
| 3. I linked to the images folder in the dev site and then published the individual page. That was when it started to duplicate and
multiply. Very strange.

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