Receipt of Equipment?



I am looking for something that would work as a receipt of equipment (goods).
It would be used for distributing things like computers to our employees so
we have a paper trail and a signature from them promising return of the
item(s) upon termination. I have searched high and low for a template of this
sort, to no avail.



Thanks you, but I already searched that part of the site... I wouldn't be
here otherwise.

JoAnn Paules

Templates are usually just meant to serve as a "format" - the content is
rarely ever exactly what we need. Sometimes you have to tweak the bejeebers
out of something that's "somewhat-kinda" close and make it work. What you
could do is to search the web for similar documents, figure out what part
you could use, throw out the rest, and then add the rest of what you need.
Searching the websites of businesses in a related industry is usually a good
place to start.

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