receipt request



Hello! I have read all the questions in regards to requesting a read receipt in Entourage 2008. I have tried going in to the account and adding Disposition-Notification-To under Header and my email under Value to get this function to work. This did not work however. On Entourage 2004 it did work. Is there any other way to do this? I know that it is not for sure that the recipient will click the okay so that I will get back the notice but we have to do this for business purposes. Thank you for your help

Adam Bailey

Hello! I have read all the questions in regards to requesting a read
receipt in Entourage 2008. I have tried going in to the account and adding
Disposition-Notification-To under Header and my email under Value to get
this function to work. This did not work however. On Entourage 2004 it did
work. Is there any other way to do this?

There should be no difference between Entourage 2004 and 2008 in this
respect, since it's not actually a feature of Entourage. Either it will work
or it won't.

Can you confirm the header is being added? Check one of your sent messages
and view its source (Message menu), do you see the header? Can you confirm
that everything is spelled correctly?


Hi Adam! I can confirm that it was added as a header and I just checked the source and it does show there and it does have my email. I checked the spelling again to make sure I wasn't doing something that simple (it does happen! ha!)
I have even gone in to the IMAP account that the emails filter through to see if it got stuck in another folder but it didn't.
So if this doesn't work then there is no way really to get it to work? I understand I wanted to make sure there was no way around it. This is the only thing on Entourage that isn't better than 04 but it works better so far.

Adam Bailey

So if this doesn't work then there is no way really to get it to work? I
understand I wanted to make sure there was no way around it. This is the
only thing on Entourage that isn't better than 04 but it works better so

There's no chance that this is a 2004 vs. 2008 issue. Either there is *some*
difference in what you are sending now vs. what you used to send, or your
recipients coincidentally stopped honoring Return Receipts.

Return receipts are highly unreliable over the Internet, I'm surprised you
ever got them at all.


Well, I have done the exact same thing on an identical computer that has all the same setting and is on the same network. I got the receipt to work on that computer. I have tried to copy and paste it from the mac web page that I was directed to to make sure nothing was being added in or spelled wrong. I got the one computer working, so that better than nothing, but I did check all settings to ensure all are the same.

Diane Ross

This did not work however.

It all depends on who is receiving them. This is practically useless except
in a closed environment.

Even if it worked, it doesn't mean they read it.

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