I need in my Outlook addin (written in C++) a piece of code to find
all the e-mails received after a certain moment in time.
I'm using this string for the Find method:
"[ReceivedTime] <= myTime",
where myTime is the "Date and time representation appropriate for
locale"[MSDN], without the seconds at the end...so basically it looks
like dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm -> my computer is set to european date/time
But something seems to go wrong. Could you tell me how the
ReceivedTime format should look for Outlook(let's say for the date 25
May 2004 21:15)? Is there a standard format of the date/time, that
doesn't consider local settings? And if yes, what is it? Is the hour
in 24 hour format or only in 12(using AM/PM), etc...?
Thank you,
Doru K.
I need in my Outlook addin (written in C++) a piece of code to find
all the e-mails received after a certain moment in time.
I'm using this string for the Find method:
"[ReceivedTime] <= myTime",
where myTime is the "Date and time representation appropriate for
locale"[MSDN], without the seconds at the end...so basically it looks
like dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm -> my computer is set to european date/time
But something seems to go wrong. Could you tell me how the
ReceivedTime format should look for Outlook(let's say for the date 25
May 2004 21:15)? Is there a standard format of the date/time, that
doesn't consider local settings? And if yes, what is it? Is the hour
in 24 hour format or only in 12(using AM/PM), etc...?
Thank you,
Doru K.