receiving duplicate emails



I have three in-box folders, two are receving mail just fine - one folder is
out of control. ALL day today each email would be in sets 5 or more. I
would delete them all, 5 minutes lates the SAME emails would download again
and would be in duplicates. I left my desk for a while and when I came back,
I had over 100 emails. Only 6 different emails, but they duplicated so many
times...what to do? Do I have a virus?

MS Outlook 2003, MS XP, POP/SMTP




This is a bug in Outlook 2003 caused when your mail server terminates the
connection (something it has every right to do since it expects the client
program to proceed where it left off on its next connection). There should
be nothing wrong with that.... but Outlook flakes out. It is an (extremely
infuriating) bug in Outlook.... nowhere else.

Contrary to you having a virus... some here would suggest that you actually
disable your AntiSpam or AntiVirus. I wouldn't suggest that. But you can

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