Receiving error 0x8004210E


Little Linda

I can send emails but not recieve. Last night out look was in the process of
down loading an email when I tried to open another. I now get and error
"Your mailbox is temporarily unavalible because another email message is
being delivered to it or another email application is accessing it. The
server responded: ERR can't get lock. Try again or use IMAP instead"

Please help.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Have you tried rebooting your machine on the off chance that it's holding
something in your mailbox open?


I had the same problem and finally found the solution after several hours of
research. It had to do with my Norton Internet Security 2005 program. Do not
know if you have Norton, but if you do try this link: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP&csm=no&seg=hho&tpre=

I would take the additional step that is not mentioned here of when you
configure your Personal Firewall in NIS 2005 to select the Program tab and
select Permit All for MS Outlook instead of the default tab Automatic.

Hope this helps....

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