receiving problem: messages sent to .mac aliases come in in multiple copies



I just upgraded from Entourage X to Entourage 2004.

I have 5 .mac aliases.

I set up accounts for each of them (in the tool menu)
e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
account: MyDotMacAccount

entourage X treated them like actual different mail addresses. I had
them all included in my send and receive all schedule. i could send and
receive from each individually. It was super convenient.

with the same account settings, Entourage 2004 lets me send OK. but
when receiving, it gives me multiple copies of messages sent to
myalias1@, if I click send and receive all. If I receive each
account separately, that does not happen. I have found a short term fix
by having only the most important alias on my "send and receive all"
schedule. it means I have to check the others individually and
manually=painfully. any more comforatble solutions?


I have more than one alias on my .Mac account as well. I only have one
"account" set up for .Mac, however. All these aliases resolve to my "real"
..Mac account address anyway. I use rules to process their sorting after

does that help?


hm, not really because i don't just want to receive but send also from
different aliases. it was so nice in entourage X- it treated them just
asif they were real separate e-mail accounts. lovely. now with 2004 i
am resigning myself to:

setting up one account for each of them, but only including one of
those aliases in my send and receive all schedule (clicking that box in
the account tab), and checking the others manually by going down the
list that comes up when you hold the send and receive button.

but is it just me or are there a lot more holes in entourage 2004 than
in X?
I mean newer versions are supposed to improve on the previous ones,
n'est-ce pas?
i have not found any improvements yet but quite a few things that are
worse. why would the designers mess up things that worked well?

i almost killed myself getting my entourage X database contents into
entourage 2004. not to speak of the cost. i'm starting to feel sorry I

note to self: if it aint broke, don't fix it.


Sorry to hear that it hasn't been all peaches and cream. I didn't notice
any difficulties migrating to 2004 from v.X.

I realized that I only told you part of the truth. I have mine set up as
described, but I only receive from the aliases. I do not send out with any
of the aliases. To do that I'll have to create another account as you've

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