Recent Documents



Can someone please help me with my recent documents. Everytime I restart my
computer dumps all my recent files. I am not on a network, I do not have
clear history on, and y McAfee is turned off for cleaning shortcuts and
recent files.

It is very irrtating to go through my hundreds of folders for the files I
need with I pinned the file down. I use Office 2007. It is a clean load no
previous office.


if you use Windows XP Right click on All programms in start menu then
properties then start menu tab click on customize then advanced tab then
check "list my most recently opened documents" :)

Graham Mayor

Is Word Options > Advanced > Display > Show this number of recent files set
at 0?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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no my recent files is et at 14

Graham Mayor said:
Is Word Options > Advanced > Display > Show this number of recent files set
at 0?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham Mayor

Using TweakUI with earlier Word versions and Windows XP it was possible to
screw this up. I don't know whether the same applies with Word 2007, but if
you have been using TweakUI to change registry settings that would be a
place to look.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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no I have not been using TweakUI I do not even ont what that is I only have
have this trouble with Word not any of the other programs in office. I also
have to re-log in every time I come here even though I click on remember
email and password. I have scanned for a virus several times and found none.
I am running McFee with a firewall and I have my home protected.

I am lost. So I am going to try to reload Office


Sorry I had already attempte the re-install before I got this msg. You were
right no help so I followd the two web sites listed and the problem seemed to
go away I wanted to be sure before confirming that; however it did not. I
unstalled Office and re-installed it because I noticed I had Office 2003
trial and help on my PC.

I felt that should not have caused an issued but I was not sure. I checked
the registry and listed is Office 8, 9, 11, & 12. In Word listed is Addins
an in Addins is BcmHistoryAddin.BcmConnect.
BtOfficeAddin.BtOfficeIntegration.1 and PaypalWordAddin.Connect folders.

I am not a registry familiar person so I do not know is this is normal. I
do know that my recent Document Problem is only with Word.

Graham Mayor

I am not sure that the references to earlier versions of Office in the
registry indicate anything amiss. You do however have mention of add-ins
that may not be compatible with Word 12 (2007). You should check with their
suppliers to see whether they are compatible and either update or uninstall
them if not (do not mess with the registry if you don't know what you are
doing). Did you clear the temporary internet cache?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Ok I did clear me internet cache as well as delete .doc and .tmp I found in
various places using my ~*.do* search and so forth. This seemed to help on
the short term and thiss was keeping me confused as to tryig to narrow the
problem down.

The registry was also an issue for me I just did not feel it was right. My
I believe my add-ins may have been causing a glitch in conjuction with the
2003 office software which was loaded as word 9 in the registry.

I ran a complete clean through McAfee and included the registry. McAfee
cleaned out some Word 9 files, my problem has not returned since. I am now 3
days and holding thank you for your help and advice.

Graham Mayor

Let's hope it stays that way ;)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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