Recent File List Check Box Greyed out


Martin Folley

I have just upgraded from 2000 to 2003. Access used to show a list of recent
files in the opening dialogue box ... now there is no dialogue box :-(
Neither is there any MRU option under the file menu ... and this is greyed
out within options.

All wisdom points to TweakUI, but the descriptions of Tweak UI given in
kb/284896 does not match my tweak UI. The knowledgebase article refers to
TweakUI 1.33 when mine is 2.10. It refers to 'Add new documents to Documents
on Start Menu check box on the IE tab' but there is no IE tab. There is an
explorer tab where 'Maintain Document History' is ticked.
The kb article also talks about NoRecentDocsHistory being set to 01 when you
click to clear, but not what it was set to before you clicked to clear.

What am I missing? I want an MRU, Access 2000 seemed to have one, Access
2003 does not. The kb artcle was aparently updated 29 Jan 2007, so should be
up to date with tweakui, and Office 2003, and IE7...

Any suggestions would be useful.


David Kline


Did you ever find a solution to the problem of the recent file list option being greyed out?

I just upgraded from Word 97 to Word/Office 2003 and I have the same problem. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

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