Donna in Idaho \(remove invalid\)
I worked through some of the FP2003 tutorials on the MS website. Now, when
I open my website and then click on recent files, I have all of those
tutorial files listed. How do I get them off of the recent files list so
that my own files from my website are on the list where I can find them?
Donna in Idaho
Project Linus Boise/SW Idaho Coordinator
Website: http://donnakwilts.tripod.com/
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I open my website and then click on recent files, I have all of those
tutorial files listed. How do I get them off of the recent files list so
that my own files from my website are on the list where I can find them?
Donna in Idaho
Project Linus Boise/SW Idaho Coordinator
Website: http://donnakwilts.tripod.com/
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