Recently-accessed file list.



On opening Excel I get on the RHS the list of recently-opened files
that is so useful in retrieving those files which I use frequently. My
list is of 9 files - I guess that to be the default number.

Occasionally I do some tidying up - maybe deleting, re-naming or
moving a file to a different folder. That RHS list remains the same -
though clicking on a line may lead nowhere. Is there a way I can easily
delete that entry from the list without opening more and more files
until it disappears off the bottom of the list?

A list of 9 is normally quite enough for me (providing I've no
'dead' ones in that list) but is there a way I could increase it? I
realise, of course, that I can retrieve any further files by clicking on
'More' at the bottom of the list, but it's so handy to have them there
on the RHS at start-up.

TIA of any replies.


I've got the last 17 files I opened in Excel 2007 listed.

If you can upgrade to 2007, you may find it worth the money - I like
it very much.



Thanks for your reply, Gdareos, but for the amount of Excel I do
(the amount I'm capable of doing!) - there's no way upgrading to 2007
might be worth the money. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide and
a little more - and I'm slowly moving on from there. I really an a
'newuser'. I use 2003, BTW.
Thanks again.

Dave Peterson

You could use a macro:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim iCtr As Long
Dim MRUMax As Long
Dim TestStr As String

With Application.RecentFiles
MRUMax = .Maximum
For iCtr = .Count To 1 Step -1
TestStr = ""
On Error Resume Next
TestStr = Dir(.Item(iCtr).Path)
On Error GoTo 0
If TestStr = "" Then
End If
Next iCtr
.Maximum = MRUMax
End With

End Sub

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

Be aware that if you sometimes connect to different network drives and you
aren't mapped/connected to that drive when you run this, you'll lose that file
from the MRU list.

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