recently used list...



I have a user whos recently used list in excel, under File keeps
loosing all those documents in the list and then to fix I have to
delete the .plist file for excel. Any way to fix it so this doesnt
happen again? Do I need to use the uninstaller and then reinstall?

Bob Greenblatt

I have a user whos recently used list in excel, under File keeps
loosing all those documents in the list and then to fix I have to
delete the .plist file for excel. Any way to fix it so this doesnt
happen again? Do I need to use the uninstaller and then reinstall?
No, uninstalling and reinstalling rarely if ever fixes anything. There is a
known bug where the recently used file list disappears if excel is opened
and then closed without ever having actually done anything while in Excel.
There is no fix available, other than don't close Excel without first
opening a file.

JE McGimpsey

I have a user whos recently used list in excel, under File keeps
loosing all those documents in the list and then to fix I have to
delete the .plist file for excel. Any way to fix it so this doesnt
happen again? Do I need to use the uninstaller and then reinstall?

I have an add-in that will save the MRU list when XL quits, and load it
when XL starts, to deal with this bug.

Put it in your Startup folder:

HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2004:Office:Startup:Excel

or your alternate startup folder, if you've set one in preferences, then
restart XL.

The code's unprotected, and very simple - it saves the MRU list to it's
(hidden) worksheet on closing. It cycles through that list adding to the
MRU list on open.

(Note: uninstalling and reinstalling almost NEVER works to fix Mac apps
- the apps just don't corrupt that frequently. You can delete the
preference files, from ~:Library:preferences:Microsoft:, where ~ is your
home directory, without uninstalling).

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