Recipients can't open shortcut




We are using OL2003 and Win XP Pro.

I sent an email containing a shortcut pointing to information posted in
a folder in the Outlook Public Folders, but nobody could open the
shortcut - nothing happened when it was clicked on.

Could you tell me why the shortcut didn't work?

Kind regards,


Glen the Computer Guy

Hi AlisonB!

My first thought on this is: What does the shortcut look like? It would help
to see what was included in the body of the email to determine if the
shortcut is in proper form. SO ... can you reply with the shortcut included
in it so I/we can make a better assessment?\

(if it had been only one user who could not open the shortcut, I would have
asked you to request that user to clear out the Temp folders and try it

Hope this helps!



Hi Glen,

Sorry to sound dim, but how do I include the shortcut in my reply? It
was an icon that looks like a pale post it note with a drawing pin in
it and then the little square in the bottom left hand corner with an
arrow that all shorcuts have.

Kind regards,


Glen the Computer Guy

AlisonB ... I'm not, offhand, recalling what you describe as an icon/shortcut
is, nor can I readily envision it in my mind's eye. So ... how about if you
simply try your email to people, to whom you want to send a shortcut, with
you 'copying-and-pasting' the shortcut into the body of the email to them?

If the shortcut is supposed to be a link to a website/web page, ... well,
you copy-and-paste the URL (from the "Address" bar of the browser you are
using to view the website/web page) into the body of the email. Do you know
how to do this? ... it would look something like this ...

Hope this is useful and answers you question...


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