I used someone else's solution I eventually found. It involved using a
Class Module. I am posting the code here. Your code did help me amend the
code. I was just making the instance of IE not visible instead of quitting.
To the person who supplied the code, thanks.
Class Module Code:
Public WithEvents x As InternetExplorer
Public y As InternetExplorer
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal _
lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA"
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam _
As Long) As Long
Private Sub x_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Set y = ppDisp
End Sub
Public Sub SetVisible(visible As Boolean)
x.visible = visible
End Sub
Public Sub Navigate(destURL)
x.Navigate2 destURL
End Sub
Public Sub LoadPage()
' Pauses execution until the browser window has finished loading
Do While x.Busy Or x.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
PostMessage FindWindow("#32770", "Microsoft Internet Explorer"), _
&H10, 0&, 0&
End Sub
Public Function Button_name(tagType, Caption As String) As Boolean
' Clicks the element of type tagType containing Caption or returns false if
element cannot be found
Dim Element
Button = True
Dim AllElements
Set AllElements = x.Document.getElementsByTagName(tagType)
For Each Element In AllElements
tempAlt = Element.Name
If InStr(Element.Name, Caption) > 0 Then
Call Element.Click
Call LoadPage
Exit Function
End If
Next Element
Button = False
End Function
Module 1 Subroutine
Sub URL_Test2()
Dim ie1 As New IEClass
Set ie1.x = New InternetExplorer
ie1.SetVisible True
Dim varURL As String
varURL = "
http://secure website"
ie1.Navigate varURL
Dim user, pword As String ' Decalres the variables for the suername, old
password and new password
Dim curRow, CurCol As Integer ' Declares the variables for the current row
and current column, used to change to the next user
Dim NoRows 'Declares the variable to set the iterations of the loop
Dim IEPage, IESuccess As String
On Error GoTo Here ' Error handling sequence that breaks the loop, displays
a messagebox, and ends the subroutine
curRow = 1 ' sets the current row to the first row in the spreadsheet
CurCol = 2 ' sets the current column to the second column in the
NoRows = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(curRow, CurCol).Value 'Assigns the
number of rows variable NoRows to the value located in the current cell at
row 1, column 2
curRow = curRow + 3 ' increments the current row by 3 to make the
current row the fourth row in the spreadsheet
CurCol = CurCol - 1 ' decreases the current column by 1 to make the
current column the first column in the spreadsheet
IESuccess = "
http://Correctly changed website"
For Counter = 1 To NoRows ' The beginning of the loop with a range of 1
to the number of rows stored in the NoRows variable
newHour = Hour(Now()) ' An undimensioned variable that is set to the
current hour based on the computer system time
newMinute = Minute(Now()) ' An undimensioned variable that is set to the
current minute based on the computer system time
newSecond = Second(Now()) + 3 ' An undimensioned variable that is set to
the current second based on the computer system time and adds 3 seconds
waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond) ' An undimensioned
variable that is set to the current hour, minute and seconds plus based on
the computer system time This is used as a pause in the loop
user = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(curRow, CurCol).Value ' assigns the
user variable to the username in the first column and the current row as
defined by the for next loop
CurCol = CurCol + 1 ' changes the current column to the second column on
the worksheet
pword = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(curRow, CurCol).Value ' assigns the
oldpword variable to the password in the second column and the current row as
defined by the for next loop
varURL = "
http://secure web site"
ie1.Navigate varURL
'ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="
https://secure website", _
'NewWindow:=True ' Opens a new web browser window to the change password
Application.Wait waitTime
Application.SendKeys (user)
Application.SendKeys ("{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys (pword)
Application.SendKeys ("~")
Application.SendKeys ("{TAB}")
Application.SendKeys ("~")
newSecond = Second(Now()) + 7
waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)
Application.Wait waitTime
IEPage = ie1.x.LocationURL
If IEPage = IESuccess Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(curRow, 5).Value = "complete"
Application.Cells(curRow, 5).Activate
Application.ActiveCell.Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) ' Changes the
font to the color green to indicate the value has been changed.
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(curRow, 5).Value = "ERROR"
Application.Cells(curRow, 5).Activate
Application.ActiveCell.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' Changes the
font to the color red to indicate the value has been changed.
End If
curRow = curRow + 1 ' Increments the current row by one
CurCol = CurCol - 1 ' Changes to current column to the first column
on the worksheet
Next Counter ' The end of the For Next Loop. If the loop is not
finished it restarts the loop. If the loop is finished, it ends the loop and
goes to the next line of the subroutine
GoTo EndSub ' Jumps to a bookmark titled EndSub
Here: ' A bookmark called Here used by the error handler
MsgBox ("An error has occurred. Check the last window to determine the
stopped point.") ' A pop up message box to inform the user that an error has
EndSub: ' A bookmark called EndSub used to jump over the error handler code
ie1 Quit
End Sub