recommendation for event calendar


Beemer Biker

Newbie needs recommendations on putting together an event calendar for a
club (non commercial).

I found and example of setting up access data base to make a calendar of
events here
I ran thru the example and created a results index that is stored on my
computer. If I load the path into explorer all I see is just the source
code. Back in the frontpage (2003) project, the "results" page has a note
that it must be on a web server before it can be viewed. So I assume I must
ftp it to my yahoo small business account where I keep our club page. Is
that correct? Cant I test it before ftp'ing it?

Second problem: I dont really want a list of events organized
chronologically like the above url. I would rather have the current month
show up and any day in the month haveing an activity be highlighted.
Clicking on that day can bring up the list of events. The month should also
be selectable.

Looking at that above example, the author suggests bringing up outlook's
calendar and saving it as html then using it as a templett. That is
certainly do-able, but I suspect someone built that wheel years ago and I
should be able to drop a calendar into my page.

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