Reconnect to Live Sharing Sessions


Gary Lindner

I teach math in a small private school. All my students have tablets, and I
do all my lectures as live sharing sessions, so each student can contribute
if invited and will have a copy of the notes afterwards.

Unfortunately, when I start a new live sharing session each day it creates a
new copy on each student's PC when they join. Is there any way to restart a
session so it can be rejoined?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Are you using OneNote 2007? If so, a Shared Notebook is better suited for
this. Do you have a common network storage area where you and the students
could store and collaborate on a Shared Notebook?

Gary Lindner

Erik, Thanks for your response. Yes, I'm using OneNote 2007.
If I use a shared notebook, will the users see the updates immediately?
Also, I lose control over who and when updates what, and students will not
have a copy on their own PC to refer to when not connected to the network.
Am I correct?
Gary Lindner

Rainald Taesler

Gary said:
Erik, Thanks for your response. Yes, I'm using OneNote 2007.
If I use a shared notebook, will the users see the updates

Yes, changes are synched in a few seconds.
Also, I lose control over who and when updates what,

ON shows who's last changed an object.
and students will not have a copy on their own PC to refer to when
not connected to the network. Am I correct?

No, fortunately you are not correct :)
The playground of ON is the *cache*. All changes are saved there and
then synched when (as long as) the laptops are connected.
So everything is on the laptop when the machines are disconnected and
work can be done just the normal way. When the laptops will be
re-connected the changes will be synched.


Gary Lindner

Thanks Rainald. I'll give it a try. Gary

Rainald Taesler said:
Yes, changes are synched in a few seconds.

ON shows who's last changed an object.

No, fortunately you are not correct :)
The playground of ON is the *cache*. All changes are saved there and
then synched when (as long as) the laptops are connected.
So everything is on the laptop when the machines are disconnected and
work can be done just the normal way. When the laptops will be
re-connected the changes will be synched.


Rainald Taesler

Gary said:
Thanks Rainald. I'll give it a try. Gary

Thanks for the reply.
It would be nice if you might let us know if it works the way you need


Gary Lindner

I tried it yesterday with one of my classes and after 5 minutes they said it
was not working for them. The updates are not fast enough to follow along
while I write on the page, doing math calculations. I also do not know who
is connected. The live sharing sessions show who is connected.
So I'm back to using live sharing sessions. Now, any help with my original

Gary Lindner

Rainald Taesler

[Eril Sojka]
Thanks for the reply.
It would be nice if you might let us know if it works the way you
need it.
I tried it yesterday with one of my classes and after 5 minutes
they said it was not working for them. The updates are not fast
enough to follow along while I write on the page, doing math

Could be. Normally it's just seconds needed for synching.
It will require that an action is completed, however.
I also do not know who is connected. The live
sharing sessions show who is connected.

Yes, this could be an obstacle.
So I'm back to using live sharing sessions. Now, any help with my
original question?

Unfortunately not from my side.
So far I never worked with live sharing sessions {siiiiigh}.


Ilya Koulchin

Gary said:
I tried it yesterday with one of my classes and after 5 minutes they said it
was not working for them. The updates are not fast enough to follow along
while I write on the page, doing math calculations. I also do not know who
is connected. The live sharing sessions show who is connected.
So I'm back to using live sharing sessions. Now, any help with my original

How are you having the students rejoin the session? Are they rejoining
the session by using the taskpane, or by using the infobar at the top of
the section from the previous session?

Steve Silverwood

No, fortunately you are not correct :)
The playground of ON is the *cache*. All changes are saved there and
then synched when (as long as) the laptops are connected.
So everything is on the laptop when the machines are disconnected and
work can be done just the normal way. When the laptops will be
re-connected the changes will be synched.

Here's one I am still trying to work out. Haven't had a suitable test
setup to try it, unfortunately: If you have a shared notebook, and two
users have offline copies of it, both of whom make changes to the same
page of the notebook, how does OneNote handle synchronizing the


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Here's one I am still trying to work out. Haven't had a suitable
test setup to try it, unfortunately: If you have a shared notebook,
and two users have offline copies of it,

What do you mean by "offline copies"??
For enabling the synching notebooks never should be sitting elsewhere
but on the "main computer" (someway being a host). There are no "copies"
on other computers, just their *cache*.
both of whom make changes
to the same page of the notebook, how does OneNote handle
synchronizing the changes?

ON does handle this pretty well. Synching of shared notebooks does not
happen on a "per page" basis but "per object".
I've done quite some testing. And quite often it happens that I work on
my TabletPC on the road and on my desktop PC when being at home. And I
do not immediately connect the two when coming home, sometimes a day
later with quite some work be done on the desktop PC. Never had a
problem in so far.


Steve Silverwood

What do you mean by "offline copies"??

Meaning they are now disconnected from the network and off at
Starbucks, or flying somewhere, or at home. They are not working on
the actual copy that's on the network.
For enabling the synching notebooks never should be sitting elsewhere
but on the "main computer" (someway being a host). There are no "copies"
on other computers, just their *cache*.

ON does handle this pretty well. Synching of shared notebooks does not
happen on a "per page" basis but "per object".
I've done quite some testing. And quite often it happens that I work on
my TabletPC on the road and on my desktop PC when being at home. And I
do not immediately connect the two when coming home, sometimes a day
later with quite some work be done on the desktop PC. Never had a
problem in so far.



Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Meaning they are now disconnected from the network and off at
Starbucks, or flying somewhere, or at home. They are not working on
the actual copy that's on the network.

OK, now I see. It's just what is held in ON's cache.

De nada, dear old virtual friend


Steve Silverwood

De nada, dear old virtual friend

We're gonna have to make this more than just virtual one of these
days. Next time your travel plans take you out to the Los Angeles
area, let me know!


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
We're gonna have to make this more than just virtual one of these
days. Next time your travel plans take you out to the Los Angeles
area, let me know!

Would be nice, indeed.
But no plans to visit the USA for the next years :-( :-(


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