Record Count Help



I have a form to track Dispute Calls that come into our call center.
Each call is an individual record saved to a table.
However, there are instances where I'll need multile records to count as 1
dispute. This way if a client calls 5 times about the same dispute, the query
or report will count it at 1 and not 5.

I thought about making a seperate textbox to manually input a number and
have the query or report search for unique instances of records. But I'm not
sure how to do that either.

Assistance please? Thanks.

AccessVandal via

You might want to include a field "DisputeID" in your table as an indicator
of the same dispute. And in the Textbox on your form, use the control source
to count the same dispute.

=DCount("DisputeID", "tblDisputeDetail","DisputeID = Forms!frmDisputeDetail!

Assuming "tblDisputeDetail" is the table and "Forms!frmDisputeDetail...." is
the form name and "...!txtDisputeID" is your textbox.

John W. Vinson

I have a form to track Dispute Calls that come into our call center.
Each call is an individual record saved to a table.
However, there are instances where I'll need multile records to count as 1
dispute. This way if a client calls 5 times about the same dispute, the query
or report will count it at 1 and not 5.

I thought about making a seperate textbox to manually input a number and
have the query or report search for unique instances of records. But I'm not
sure how to do that either.

Assistance please? Thanks.

This really has nothing to do with your Form, but with the design of your

Every type of "Entity" - real-life person, thing or event - should have its
own Table. You'll need (at least) one table for Calls, another table for
Clients, and a third table for Disputes; I'd guess that each Client will have
zero, one or more Disputes, and that each Dispute will have one or more Calls.

Get the tables and their relationships correct and the forms will work out
much better.

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