record count mismatch


ravindar thati

hello friends,

i have a table named "Technology"
it has few columns.
of them two are
2. Type

i have written a query and exectued like this
my code goes like this

dim db as database
dim rs as Recordcount
set db=CurrentDb
set rs=db.OpenRecordset("select * from Technology where
Technology.Type="Water" ")

if i execute this query in query wizard i get record count correctly.
but when i implement this query in my code, it displays record count
as 2 every time.

same query , but why i am facing the problem?
but if i put rs.getRows command multiple times, the record count is
increasing by one.
actually we have to get all the rows with single rs.getRows command .
but why this peculiar thing?
whats wrong in my code?
Thank you

Wolfgang Kais

Hello Ravindar.

ravindar said:
Hello friends,

I have a table named "Technology", two of the columns are
1. Name
2. Type
I have written a query and exectued. My code goes like this:
Dim db as Database
Dim rs as RecordSet
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from Technology where" & _ " Technology.Type='Water'")
MsgBox rs.RecordCount

The recordset was not filled, because you did not yet retrieve all
Try this before using the GetRows method:
if not rs.eof
end if

Get rows returns an array, that you don't mention in your code...

ravindar thati

The recordset was not filled, because you did not yet retrieve all
Try this before using the GetRows method:
if not rs.eof
end if

Get rows returns an array, that you don't mention in your code...

thank you friend, it worked perfectly


One other thing you need to know. Name and Type are both Access reserved
words and should not be used as names of objects. Access can become confused
and return incorrect results.

ravindar thati

Try this before using the GetRows method:
if not rs.eof
end if

Get rows returns an array, that you don't mention in your code...

Thank you friend.
it worked perfectly.
many thanks

ravindar thati

yes they are reserved words,
only to get my doubt clarified, i used those columns names.

Thank you friend

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