Record data record modified in Microsoft Access Project


Cory Bemis

I have created a new Microsoft Access Project and I have a table in which I
would like to add a column that would update the time and date every time a
record is modified. I cannot figure out how to do this. My goal is to be
able to look up any record that recently created or modified.

Any help is much appreciated!!



I assume that you have a form to enter data in and an
update query to update the table.
so in your update query just add the time/date in the
query and in the update pane of the time/date field just
put Now().

Cory Bemis

I must be doing something wrong then, because when I put Now() in the query,
it updates ALL the records for the date time that ONE of the records was
changed. I want to be able to time stamp changes for EACH record in the
table. Is there a way to do this automatically? I have searched the
newsgroup for an answer to this question and I cannot find the answer. I
have seen a few posts indicating that this question is asked frequently, but
I cannot the posts.

Thanks for your help!


I'm not sure if there is a better way of doing this, but I set up a form with
a textbox bound to the field to modify, but locked it for editing. Then I
made an unbound textbox to type the new value. Lastly I created an "update"
button to run an update query and requery the forms record source.

You need to have your update query like this:
UPDATE tblTest SET tblText.[Text] = [Forms]![frmTest]![NewText],
tblTest.modified = Now()
WHERE ((([Forms]![frmText]![id]));

I hope this helps

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