Record Indicator - Displaying record numbers


Steve Newport

In Access is/are there equivalents to the old FoxPro Recno() and Reccount()
functions that allow you to display record numbes and total numbers of
records within your own form design?


There is no equivlent to Recno() in Foxpro. There is a sorta like property
which is
Me.Recordset.AbsolutePosition. It will show the number of the record
relative to the recorset. But, records do not have a number like in Foxpro.
If you resort the recordset, add a record, or delete a record, that number
will change. It is only valid for the current view of the recordset. So, in
Access, it is pretty much a meaningless number. As to the Recccount(), you
can use Me.Recordset.RecordCount.

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