Record is deleted. (Error 3167)



The error "Record is deleted. (Error 3167)" appears to users
always,every week or 10 days,i can easily solve the problem by compacting and
repairing the database...,I'm sure that the form from which users edit the
records is set to lock the edited records to avoid any conflict with users...
Doe anybody know what's the reason?

Jerry Whittle

Your database file is getting corrupted for some reason. Is the database
split into a Back End (BE) with all the tables and a Front End (FE) with the
forms, reports, queries, ect? That would be the first thing I'd do.

At times like this, nothing beats a good backup. In fact make a complete
backup of your database now and put it away for safe keeping.

Tony Toews has an excellent web page on database corruption.

Allen Brown also has excellent info on corruption.

I have a white paper in a Word document named Fix Corrupt Access Database
towards the bottom this page:


Thank you Jerry ...always professional and helpful...
My Database is split into BE and FE,i need to know the reason why this

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