Record Locking problem


RHAM Solutions

Can anyone help on the following problem.

We are running a small invoicing program and have been for over 12months,
now for some reason everytime we add a new invoice and try to put products
into it the first time it comes up with the following error :

"Microsoft Jet DataBase Engine Stopped the process, you and another user are
attempting to change the same data at the same time."

There is no-one else in the Database at the time, does anyone have any
suggestions on what I can do to fix it??

Thanks in advance.


Michel Walsh


VBA code it another user (at least, consider it can modify record and
that the code it not the same user than the user in front of the
keyboard,... that makes two users). That may occur if your code run while
you still have a dirty record... and that the code try to dirty the same

Maybe something else, but that is a possibility to look at. If so, try
to undirty the record ( Me.Dirty=False or Me.Undo) before launching the VBA

Another possibility is an abnormal exit. The ldb file may remember that
you were editing a record and... power failure? you did not gave any sign
of life since... but you restart, and try to dirty the same record, in a new
session. Jet think you are two users, one very "old" one, and you. In that
case, exit, and erase (better, rename) the ldb file (with the same name,
same directory, that the mdb, but with the extension ldb ).

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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