Record Locking Problems


Ian Benneth


I have set up an application for one of my customers, and
Im having troubles managing concurrent accesses to a

Users are working on Windows NT. The database is an
Access 97 database accessed through ODBC.

When I have only one user accessing the database at a
time, everything works fine, so Im guessing it's not a
permissions problem. For this part, locking mode is
optimistic, and I open the db objects like this (I have
possible updates):

CDatabase db;
CETATCMP rst(&db);

db.Open( _T(ODBC_DSN), false, false, _T
( "ODBC;UID=USERNAME" ), false);

rst.Open( CRecordset::dynaset,_T( "Some SQL with a where
clause"), CRecordset::none);

However, when another user (on another NT station) also
accesses this database, the first one gets locking
problems. The strange thing is that this user opens the
database with a recordset that is readOnly, so it
shouldn't affect the first user's operations.

Any help would be appreciated. Maybe there was a bug for
Access 97 / ODBC / Windows NT? I just noticed in my code
that even though my recordset is read only, the database
was opened as read-only so maybe there is something
there. However, from where I work I cannot reproduce this
problem, so it's hard for me to test, but I would still
like to get some info if someone has any...

Tank you very much,

Ian Benneth.

Joan Wild

Check that all users have full permissions on the folder where the mdb is.

You can hide the share if you're concerned people will see it in Windows
Explorer. \\server\share$ rather than \\server\share

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