Joe Pollock,
I am not sure that I totally understand your question but, from your
comments, it would appear that you have an AutoNumber type field as a record
identifier and that you are expecting that you would always have records
numbered from 1 to whatever number. In Access when you start a record, in an
AutoNumber field, a new number is generated for that record. If you then
choose to delete that recrod, that number is never reused. Therefore, you
will have numbers missing. You should never try to equate the AutoNumber
field value with record numbers. In addition, if your recrods are sorted in
any specific order by any field, you would not have sequential numbers in the
AutoNumber field but you would still have records from 1 to whatever number.
If this does not address your specific issue, plese post back and someone
will be glad to try to help.
Mr. B
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