Record too long



I have a table in Access 97 that I need to update automatically. It has 64
fields, each 100 characters long (all text). When I try to insert and/or
update, I get the error message back that the record is too long. In playing
around with it, I found that it would update up to about 50 fields before I
get the record too long message. Can anyone suggest what I can do to make
sure I can update a table without running into this limitation?

Along the same lines, I guess I expected that, once you have a table set up,
you couldn't run into the problem of a record being too long. That is, if
the database allows for the record to have X number of fields with Y
characters/field, it would allow you to populate those records with as much
data as the limitations you set for the field. Or have I run into a
different problem that I am not aware of?

Thanks for any help.

Brian Wilson

scott said:
I have a table in Access 97 that I need to update automatically. It has 64
fields, each 100 characters long (all text). When I try to insert and/or
update, I get the error message back that the record is too long. In
around with it, I found that it would update up to about 50 fields before
get the record too long message. Can anyone suggest what I can do to make
sure I can update a table without running into this limitation?

Along the same lines, I guess I expected that, once you have a table set
you couldn't run into the problem of a record being too long. That is, if
the database allows for the record to have X number of fields with Y
characters/field, it would allow you to populate those records with as
data as the limitations you set for the field. Or have I run into a
different problem that I am not aware of?

Thanks for any help.

Somewhere in the help file, the limits are set out: 2000 characters per
record, I believe.
However, Access only uses the space needed so although you can define 64 x
100 character fields and use this structure when the total record length is
less than 2000 characters, you will run into problems if you try and save a
record with 64 fields all with 100-character-long data.
I have never needed 64 fields in one table and neither should anyone else
(normally). Often when people say they do, one finds that the database can
be normalized to use far fewer fields and hence avoid the max record length
issue. If you feel your need for 64 x 100 character fields is legitimate,
please post details.


Brian is right on all counts.

What are the fields in that table? What is/are the primary key


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