I don't think you need to move to the end of the recordset in a table type
recordset, and when I've tried to do this it works fine.
How do you know there are 22 records in the table? Stupid question I know,
but are you including the "empty" new record at the end of the table (eg if
you put the cursor at the bottom of a table containing 21 records the
navigation controls will show "record 22 of 22" even though there are only
21 records).
JD said:
It is a DAO.Recordset opened as a table type (dbOpenTable). There are 22
records in the table and the rst_data.RecordCount call returns 21. I forced
the object to access the last record (rst_data.MoveLast) and this did not
change the result. I also tried looping through the table using .MoveNext
and this did not work either. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.