Recording project outcomes - how to achieve a hierarchy



Re Access 2003

I am trying to use it to record a series of outcomes. Each outcome has 3,
possibly 4, levels. So, at Level 1, I might have a choice of, say 10
outcomes. Each of the 10 has various sub Outcomes.

I only want the sub Outcomes associated with the higher level Outcome
displayed in a Lookup, when entering data for that particular field. At the
moment I have fields 'Level 1 Outcome', 'Level 2 Outcome' and so on.

The level 1 outcomes are numbered CA01, CA02......

The level 2 outcomes are numbered 01, 02, 03....for each of CA01, CA02 and
so on.

I thought this would give a unique numbering system. However, when I try to
allocate outcome 01 from CA02, the field will only show outcome 01 from CA01.

The table for the level 2 outcomes has fields 'Level2Code',
'Level2Description' and 'Level1Code', the latter being the relationship field
between the Tables 'Level 1 Outcomes' and 'Level 2 Outcomes'.

My objectives are:

For each sub level of outcomes, numbering must be 01, 02, 03 ......

Once a user has chosen, say, the Level 1 Outcome, only the relevant Level 2
options are available, not all the Level 2 Outcomes. I may need up to 4
levels of outcomes.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

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