Records in Listbox Identified in Reverse Order


Londa Sue


I have a list box that is populated as data is entered into the form. (I'm
reusing a database that worked well, but needed editing for a different
project.) In the original database, the records were identified
correctly--first item entered is record 1, second item entered is record 2,...

In the "new" database (I had to modify some data sources), the items are in
reverse. The first item entered is record 2, the second item entered is
record 1,...

Any idea why this is occurring? I've checked what I know to check and
cannot tell what the problem is.

Thank you,

J_Goddard via

Hi -

Please give us more information -

What is the row source type for your listbox - table/query or value list?

How are you adding values to the listbox - if VBA, please post the code.




Access stores records like a barrel of brick - just a jumble, no set order.

Do not view records at the table level but use a query, form or report.
These can be sorted in any manner that you need to display.

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