Records Inclusion/Exclusion Based On User Date Input



I have a "Payroll" table that contains a Union Code field
(UNION), i.e., "301.09", a Medical Deduction field (MED),
i.e. "$3.87" and an Effective Date field (EFFDATE), i.e.,
3-1-03. There are random occasions throughout the year
where the (MED) will change, generating a new (EFFDATE),
sometimes 3 or 4 times under one Union Code.

There is a "Timecard" table that links to the "Payroll"
table by (UNION). If multiple (EFFDATEs) exist on that
UNION code, the link will pull in all of them. I'm
looking for a way to set a query structure in
the "Payroll" table that will only pull in the correct
EFFDATE based upon the user's payroll transaction date.

For example, if Payroll is showing 9-1-03, 7-1-03 and 3-1-
03 effective dates and the user's payroll trans date is 10-
3-03, I only want the correct effective 9-1-03 date to
show. On the same hand, if she goes back in time and
wants payroll records in August, I only want the 7-1-03
dates, without 9-1 or 3-1.

These are Paradox table links from the Accu-Build program
that my Access 2000 database is using.


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