Records not being displayed in a Graph



I having a problem where I have a column graph where the first row in its
record source doesn't display on the graph. The recordsource is established
in VBA and the data looks like (example):

Name Price Cost
RowA $100 $75
RowB $75 $65
RowC $200 $90

Each row should get a group of columns that display the price and cost for
that row. The problem is that I can't get RowA to show up. It seems like
could be something like MS Graph thinks its a title row?

From RowB on the graphs looks great.


I figured it out so I thought I would post the answer in case anyone else
searched on found this post.

The "Column Heads" property of the graph object was set to "No". By setting
it to "Yes" my first row of data appeared.

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