

Andre Adams

How many records can the Access 2003 hold? Is there a point where I should
begin to think about splitting the database? Also, if I delete a record,
does it still store it somewhere in the database and add it's total to the
record that I'm accumlating?


How many records can the Access 2003 hold?
Press F1 and search specifications

there a point where I should
begin to think about splitting the database?
As soon as the database in being accessed on more than a local drive -
basically in an commercial enviroment
Also, if I delete a record,
does it still store it somewhere in the database and add it's total to the
record that I'm accumlating?

John W. Vinson

How many records can the Access 2003 hold?

No expliciit limit - the limit is on the total .mdb or .accdb size, two
gigabytes. I know of databases with 20,000,000 row tables.
Is there a point where I should
begin to think about splitting the database?

As soon as you have two or more users... or even sooner for convenience in
developing. See

This is splitting the database into a "backend" containing the tables and a
"frontend" containing forms, reports, queries and code, though; it's rare you
would split a database for size.
Also, if I delete a record,
does it still store it somewhere in the database and add it's total to the
record that I'm accumlating?

Any "totals" should be calculated dynamically using a Totals Query, and should
NOT be stored. Deleted records continue to occupy space in the database until
you use Tools... Database Utilities... Compact and Repair; if you have
"Compact on Close" set in the database setup, turn it OFF, it's buggy.

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