RecordSet Bookmark Property



I've used CODE 1 below on the "AfterUpdate" event on a combo box to jump to
the record selected fine using Access.

However, after converting my Access file to an ADP file, I get the error
"Object doesn't support this property or method".

Is there an alternative way via VBA to make my combo "AfterUpdate" event
find the choosen record?

The underlying recordset is a stored procedure if that matters. Also, I
tried using CODE 2 without success.

CODE 1 ********

Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Str(Me![cmbNameQuickFind])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

CODE 2 ********

Me.RecordsetClone.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Me![cmbNameQuickFind]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark


well, i don't know if it would work in ADP, but i usually use the following
in a control's AfterUpdate event to find a record in a form, as

Me.Recordset.FindFirst "somefield = " & Me!findcontrol
If Not Me.Recordset.NoMatch Then Me!somecontrol.SetFocus



I still get the error "Object doesn't support this property or method".

I've found that ADO doesn't support the "FindFirst" method, it uses the
"Find" method, but I can't find any examples that have a SPROC for the
form's recordsource.

I'm dead-in-the-water with this one. For this to be such almost a necessity
for any form with lots of records, there must be a way.

tina said:
well, i don't know if it would work in ADP, but i usually use the
in a control's AfterUpdate event to find a record in a form, as

Me.Recordset.FindFirst "somefield = " & Me!findcontrol
If Not Me.Recordset.NoMatch Then Me!somecontrol.SetFocus


scott said:
I've used CODE 1 below on the "AfterUpdate" event on a combo box to jump to
the record selected fine using Access.

However, after converting my Access file to an ADP file, I get the error
"Object doesn't support this property or method".

Is there an alternative way via VBA to make my combo "AfterUpdate" event
find the choosen record?

The underlying recordset is a stored procedure if that matters. Also, I
tried using CODE 2 without success.

CODE 1 ********

Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Str(Me![cmbNameQuickFind])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

CODE 2 ********

Me.RecordsetClone.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Me![cmbNameQuickFind]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark


the solution was to use find method below.

Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

rs.Find "userID=" & Me.cmbNameQuickFind.Value

If Not rs.EOF Then
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End If

tina said:
well, i don't know if it would work in ADP, but i usually use the
in a control's AfterUpdate event to find a record in a form, as

Me.Recordset.FindFirst "somefield = " & Me!findcontrol
If Not Me.Recordset.NoMatch Then Me!somecontrol.SetFocus


scott said:
I've used CODE 1 below on the "AfterUpdate" event on a combo box to jump to
the record selected fine using Access.

However, after converting my Access file to an ADP file, I get the error
"Object doesn't support this property or method".

Is there an alternative way via VBA to make my combo "AfterUpdate" event
find the choosen record?

The underlying recordset is a stored procedure if that matters. Also, I
tried using CODE 2 without success.

CODE 1 ********

Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Str(Me![cmbNameQuickFind])
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

CODE 2 ********

Me.RecordsetClone.Findfirst "[userID] = " & Me![cmbNameQuickFind]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark

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