Recordset Issue- Please help!



Hi Friends,
I am using Access 2002 with a SQL backend for a project. I am trying to
access a table in the database using Recordset, and I am popped with
the error.

*Object variable or WIth block variable not set *

Following is the code-

Dim DbTmp As Database
Dim rsCity As Recordset

Set DbTmp = CurrentDb()

Set rsCity = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM [ZIPS]") ' This is
the source of error

rsCity.Find "CITY = '" & Me.CITY.Value & "'"

I have included the DAO library in my project. I tried using
DAO.Database and DAO.Recordset but no luck! I am just not able to
figure this thing out. Any help in this matter would be really great
for me!
Thank you.


Malcolm Smith


This could be because you are not using the pointer (object reference) to
the Database.

Does the following work, perhaps?

Dim oDB As DAO.Database
Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset

Set oDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM ZIPS")

It's been many a long year since I did any DAO, so I am a little rusty
here. But these are the points that I have.

1. When I created the oDB reference I used the
DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0) to get to the CurrentDB() rather than
the direct call. This is because a long time ago there was a problem
with the CurrentDB() call and, no, I can't remember what it was either.
But basically it means that I am getting the zeroth database in the zeroth
workspace which translates to the current database.

2. When I am making the Dim statements note that I am using the library
name in case there is a clash with another library's Database or RecordSet

3. I am using the reference to the oDB (the pointer to the database)
where as you are not. Also, I have given it a slightly better name than

This ought to work. Let me know if it doesn't.

- Malc

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