Hello "FBxiii" (Steve).
FBxiii said:
If I open a recordset in code, do the records get 'Locked' and
in-accessable to other users?
No, others can access the same records.
If not, is it possible to apply locking to these records?
You can use dbDenyRead as option for a dao recordset of type "table".
I am trying to create a 'batching' facility where 100 records are
assigned to each user.
That means that the users don't access the table directly, so you
are going to use a query, so you can't use a locking solution.
My suggestion:
Use user lavel security to secure your db (hopefully not split).
Create user accounts in the workgropup file and create an additional
field for the username in the table to assign the record to a user.
Give the users no permission for the table, but allow them to use
a query that retrieves the data from the table with a where clause
to restrict access the the records using the CurrentUser() function
as criterion on your new field.
Change the execute permission of the query to "owner".