Good afternoon, gurus.
I've got bound form and subform. On the subform's BeforeUpdate event,
I want to do some validation - specifically, I want to see how many
records from the current set have a specific value set to true - and,
if greater than the maximum recommended, ask the user whether or not to
continue. (If not, then I cancel the update.)
Thing is, my RecordsetClone is acting funny. RecordCount says I've got
3 records, but the first record is <No current record>. If I move over
to the second, it's fine. I had been wondering if that was 'cause the
edited record is locked up for the update, but the first record is
*not* the record I'm editing.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
Here's my code in Form_BeforeUpdate, and my GetAdultCount() function.
(BeforeUpdate is setup to only check for new records, or when my
checkbox has just been turned on - otherwise, no need.)
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If NewRecord Or (chkIsAnAdult And Not chkIsAnAdult.OldValue) Then
Dim intAdultCount As Integer
intAdultCount = GetAdultCount()
If intAdultCount > 2 Then
Dim enumResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
enumResponse = MsgBox("Warning: this is the " & _
intAdultCount & _
" adult being entered on this membership. Continue?", _
vbApplicationModal Or vbYesNo Or vbInformation, _
If enumResponse = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetAdultCount() As Integer
Dim objRecs As DAO.Recordset
Set objRecs = RecordsetClone
If Not objRecs.BOF Then _
Dim intAdultCount As Integer
Do Until objRecs.EOF
If objRecs.Fields("isAdult").Value Then _
intAdultCount = intAdultCount + 1
Set objRecs = Nothing
GetAdultCount = intAdultCount
End Function
I've got bound form and subform. On the subform's BeforeUpdate event,
I want to do some validation - specifically, I want to see how many
records from the current set have a specific value set to true - and,
if greater than the maximum recommended, ask the user whether or not to
continue. (If not, then I cancel the update.)
Thing is, my RecordsetClone is acting funny. RecordCount says I've got
3 records, but the first record is <No current record>. If I move over
to the second, it's fine. I had been wondering if that was 'cause the
edited record is locked up for the update, but the first record is
*not* the record I'm editing.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
Here's my code in Form_BeforeUpdate, and my GetAdultCount() function.
(BeforeUpdate is setup to only check for new records, or when my
checkbox has just been turned on - otherwise, no need.)
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If NewRecord Or (chkIsAnAdult And Not chkIsAnAdult.OldValue) Then
Dim intAdultCount As Integer
intAdultCount = GetAdultCount()
If intAdultCount > 2 Then
Dim enumResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
enumResponse = MsgBox("Warning: this is the " & _
intAdultCount & _
" adult being entered on this membership. Continue?", _
vbApplicationModal Or vbYesNo Or vbInformation, _
If enumResponse = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetAdultCount() As Integer
Dim objRecs As DAO.Recordset
Set objRecs = RecordsetClone
If Not objRecs.BOF Then _
Dim intAdultCount As Integer
Do Until objRecs.EOF
If objRecs.Fields("isAdult").Value Then _
intAdultCount = intAdultCount + 1
Set objRecs = Nothing
GetAdultCount = intAdultCount
End Function