recover database



i have a .mdb that i cant enter, the following error cames up:
Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on <name>. (Error 3112)

file is corruped, cant get into it, not even import is contest.
is there any free solution to recover the database??


Rick B

Sounds to me like the database is secured and you are not logging in using
the appropriate workgroup file.

Larry Linson

Sounds to me like the database is secured
and you are not logging in using
the appropriate workgroup file.

Oh, then it's easy: all the original poster has to do is find the owner of
the database, get the workgroup, and have the owner assign him/her a userid
and password. Failing that, spend a little money for a "password recovery"

It's not a "toughie" like it would be if the file were corrupted -- which by
the way can give very similar error messages to this. If opening Access and
running Compact and Repair on the problem database doesn't fix it,
corruption is usually unfixable, and you have to revert to the last good
backup copy.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


hey larry, i am the owner of a databae that i cannot access. when i try to
open it an error message always come up and tells me that i do not have
permission and that i need the owner or the administrator to give me the
permission. but the thing is i am the owner and the administrator. i cannot
access the wokrgroup i created too. please help!


I am having the same problem and I think it was caused by an earlier "Compact
& Repair". If that is the case is there no way to retreive the data from the

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