Good evening. Please reply directly to my email address since I don't know
how to get back to the replies once emailed that there IS one;
cesarhATcomcast.net. Obvioulsly change the "AT" to @. Thank you.
I was using an online email page to email a company. After I was through, I
ususally cut-n-paste the body of the message to Word to check for spelling
and cut the corrected version back in. I then close Word, when I'm asked if I
want to save the file. I say "No", and Word closes like normal. I know need
that same file, but it cannot be retrieved from a "restore" function. I'm
sure it is still somewhere weather or not it's in a temp directory or just
not writen over. Can I find it and get it back? My computer is on 24/7 and
won't lose anything for shutting down.
I truly thank you for ypour help.
Also, off the subject; Will "MS Digital Suite Anniversary Edition" (most
recent edition), be able to convert a QuickTime movie to MPG or MPEG format?
If it doesn't, please suggest something that will. Please help, it is
appreciated and I am a good, generous friend. I'm trying to create a DVD
movie using clips, some that need converting.
Again, I truly thank you for your help.
how to get back to the replies once emailed that there IS one;
cesarhATcomcast.net. Obvioulsly change the "AT" to @. Thank you.
I was using an online email page to email a company. After I was through, I
ususally cut-n-paste the body of the message to Word to check for spelling
and cut the corrected version back in. I then close Word, when I'm asked if I
want to save the file. I say "No", and Word closes like normal. I know need
that same file, but it cannot be retrieved from a "restore" function. I'm
sure it is still somewhere weather or not it's in a temp directory or just
not writen over. Can I find it and get it back? My computer is on 24/7 and
won't lose anything for shutting down.
I truly thank you for ypour help.
Also, off the subject; Will "MS Digital Suite Anniversary Edition" (most
recent edition), be able to convert a QuickTime movie to MPG or MPEG format?
If it doesn't, please suggest something that will. Please help, it is
appreciated and I am a good, generous friend. I'm trying to create a DVD
movie using clips, some that need converting.
Again, I truly thank you for your help.