recovering a document



I am trying to open a previously saved document I have been working on. the name of the document appears in my recent files under file>open. I was saving frequently then closed the application and came back several hours later. I now get an error that the document is not found. I searched my hard drive but did not find my document. However, I can see my last saved document as ~$sume.doc. This document has the correct date of when I saved last. is there a way to recover from this file?

Charles Kenyon

The ~$*.doc files don't contain your documents. They are markers to let Word
know that the document is already open (and who opened it). They should be
deleted when Word is closed, if it is closed properly. (I regularly search
my disk and delete these files because Word is not very good at cleaning up
its clutter.)

Are you sure of your document name? In Windows, try opening your "My
Documents" folder and running a search (F3 key) by the modified date and
with the file type specified as a Word document. These are the second and
third tabs of the search dialog. Don't put a name in on the first page
unless you are very certain of the name.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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cedertek said:
I am trying to open a previously saved document I have been working on.
the name of the document appears in my recent files under file>open. I was
saving frequently then closed the application and came back several hours
later. I now get an error that the document is not found. I searched my hard
drive but did not find my document. However, I can see my last saved
document as ~$sume.doc. This document has the correct date of when I saved
last. is there a way to recover from this file?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Did you perhaps open this document as an email attachment? If so, it was
being repeatedly saved in a temp folder and was deleted when you quit Word.
Never open an attachment directly; always save to a document folder first.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

cedertek said:
I am trying to open a previously saved document I have been working on.
the name of the document appears in my recent files under file>open. I was
saving frequently then closed the application and came back several hours
later. I now get an error that the document is not found. I searched my hard
drive but did not find my document. However, I can see my last saved
document as ~$sume.doc. This document has the correct date of when I saved
last. is there a way to recover from this file?


Charles, thanks for your reply. I tried searching for the document including the deleted items. I also did a *.doc,*.tmp and, *.wbk search as well as the name search and looked in the folder I saved it. The file is gone... it looks like I will have to recreate it. Although I would like to know what causes this or if anyone else has had the same experience. As one other note, I also checked for viruses since it doesn't make sense for files to just disappear

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