Recreating a value in two different tables


ToolCrib Master

I have three different tables;

Employee Data Table; (Those are employee simple information , Internal Code
"Text" First & Last Name "Text"), Active "Yes/No"

Inventory Data Table (This is a list of the inventory on hand, Internal
Code, Description "Text", Date Receive "Date/Time", Rec. Number for
Replacement "Text", Good Condition "Yes/No", Explain damage "Memo" ,OUT
"Yes/No", Date OUT "Date/Time",

IN/OUT Data Table; I have a interlink for Employee (LookUp) and Item 1-10
for Inventory (Lookup)

Ticket Number : "AutoNumber"

OUT (#) 1 to 10: "Yes/No"
Date Out (#) 1t o 10 "Date/Time"
IN (#) 1 to 10: "Yes/No"
Date In (#) 1 to 10: "Date/Time"

Return in Good Condition (#) 1 to 10: "Yes/No"

Explain Damage: "Memo"

How can I link my Item (#) 1-10 from my IN/OUT form to my Inventory Code
(Use for lookUP for item) to acknowledge the OUT Field box (IN/OUT Form Label
1-10, and Inventory label OUT ) is set to "Yes" in both tables unrelated
field as one is label OUT (Inventory Table) and Ten others are labeled OUT
(#) 1-10 (IN/OUT Table).

I have created a Form IN/OUT with scroll dowm where the Toolcrib Master can
scroll down type the Internal Inventory code:Combining Internal
Code/Description/OUT "Yes" or "No" to verify for accurate product handout and
its availibility.

The form also link the employee data combine internal code, last & first
name active "Yes" or "No" , Therefore One Record for each employees unabling
10 Items to be recorded on one record.

I am looking to have two unrelated field ([OUT (#)] 1-10 in [IN/OUT] Table
and [OUT] in the [Inventory] Table ) associated unrelated associated fields (
[Item (#)] 1-10 in [IN/OUT] Table using the [Inventory] Combo(Internal Code,
Description, OUT "Yes"/"No").

When selecting Item (1) related to Inventory Table
Clicking OUT (1) from [IN/OUT] Table unrelated to OUT from [Inventory] Table.

How can Access correlate Item (1) from table [IN/OUT] to Internal Code from
[Inventory] Table to link to OUT (1) "Yes/No" from table [IN/OUT] to
[Inventory] table OUT "Yes/No" field which in turn would allowed a visibility
into the the [IN/OUT] Form Item (#) 1-10 Field availibility by displaying
into the combo box Yes for OUT or No for IN

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