I'm using OutlookXP (Outlook2003) SP2, with all MS updates as far as I know.
When I enter a calender appointment like below, the reminder-alarm
quits...that is, it doesn't go off at all.
Subject: National SuchAndSuch Day
Start. May 14, 2006
End. May 14, 2006
(x) All Day Event
Reminder: 2 weeks
Recurrence: Yearly, 2nd Sunday in May
(Note. Recurence has a default of begin12AM, end 12AM, duration 1 day,
unsure if that matters, but changing it around doesn't fix the
reminder-alarm problem).
ONLY if I remove the "Recurrence" altogether, does the reminder-alarm start
to work again.
Any suggestions? Is this a BUG? Any workarounds?
When I enter a calender appointment like below, the reminder-alarm
quits...that is, it doesn't go off at all.
Subject: National SuchAndSuch Day
Start. May 14, 2006
End. May 14, 2006
(x) All Day Event
Reminder: 2 weeks
Recurrence: Yearly, 2nd Sunday in May
(Note. Recurence has a default of begin12AM, end 12AM, duration 1 day,
unsure if that matters, but changing it around doesn't fix the
reminder-alarm problem).
ONLY if I remove the "Recurrence" altogether, does the reminder-alarm start
to work again.
Any suggestions? Is this a BUG? Any workarounds?