Recurring Items



Thanks in advance, im using Outlook2003 and have several recurring events
in my calendar, the problem is that when i double click on an event to modify
it, a pop-up error box appears telling me "Can't open this item. The object
could not be found." This problem is driving me crazy, please help. Thanks


I am having the exact same problem and it is driving me crazy too. It just
started on Monday 3/12--before that it was no problem.

My situation is confounded by the fact that I tried to delete the recurring
event item on 3/12, but to my dismay, all of the previous events disappeared
as well. Is there any way for me to recapture the deleted entrees that have
been there for about a year?


If the deleted item isn't in your deleted items folder, I'm not sure
how to recover them.

As for the rest:
1)Can you successfully create new events?
2)Are others showing this error, or only the recurring ones?


I have no problem creating new events, recurring or otherwise. However, I
cannot open new recurring events either. I have no trouble opening
non-recurring events. Thank you.


Yes Marsha, im having the exact same problem as yourself it is only when
opening recurring events this problem exists, also i found i have the same
problem when i right click on an email address and say send mail, but lets
start with the recurring items problem first as it really is driving me
CRAZY!!!!! lol thanks.


I am beginning to think that there is no answer to this. I had a computer
guy come in yesterday and take a look but was unable to figure it out. He is
coming back and if I get an answer I will certainly let you know. Have you
tried reinstalling it? I haven't but maybe that is a possibility. Marsha


Thanks Marsha, i would try and reinstall it, but since as though i am having
this problem on a work computer i cant install/reinstall things as it goes
through a server, i thought i might try and get the answer this way because
if i went through the work help desk it could take weeks to get an answer.


i have the same problem. i tried to un-install/re-install to no avail.
Funny thing is the data file works fine on my another notebook.



Yeah it seems a few of us have the problem but unfortuantly no answers yet,
so please anyone if you have an answer for this problem or even a clue,
please help us!!!.

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