Recurring Meetings for Random Dates


Marking Time

In Lotus Notes, we were able to set recurring meetings for random dates - not
specifically weekly, bi-weekly, etc., but perhaps the first Saturday of one
month, the third Saturday of another, and so on.

I miss this option in Outlook. There should be an Advanced tab where you
could enter specific dates for recurring meetings.

There doesn't appear to be a copy and paste feature in Outlook to do this
either. I can move a meeting, but not copy it to another date.

Any suggestions?


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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

All Outlook recurring items are based on a recurrence pattern. If your
pattern doesn't fit what's available you must either use alternate patterns
(every other week for one and something else for another) or just create
non-recurring patterns. You can't create a recurring pattern that isn't

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