Recurring Tasks Frustration



I can't understand my Microsoft hasn't addressed a particular feature that a
lot of us have been complaining about it from long ago: When you setup a
recurring task "Pay the rent" to appear every month, you can't check it off
as completed without the this task appearing again, right away (for the next
month). It sits there all month long till it's time to check it off again,
which then causes the NEXT month's version of this task to immediately
appear. I know you can setup Outlook Today to only show today's tasks. But I
don't want to view Outlook Today, I want to se my task list. And I know you
can setup the regular task list to only show active tasks, but this same
thing happens. I don't want to see that task re-appear on my list until next
month. This should be an easy available feature to use.

If I check-off a recuring task like "Weekly backup of the hard drive" as
completed, I don't wan't it to immediately appear again on my task list till
next week. It does so whether you "generate a new task" or setup the task to
recur. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. This feature was a no brainer in all the old PIMs,
just not in Outlook. Am I missing something here?

Chris Mitchell

Don't know what version of Outlook you're using, but on mine I've got an
option to Regenerate new task X weeks after each task is completed. This
looks like it does what you want, and is available to me as part of the
recurring task set dialogue box.


Remove MAPSON to reply to me directly.

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