Recurring Tasks! ;-)



I've read some of the posts about recurring tasks but think I need a bit more

I'm using Project 2002 and have figured out that I can't convert a 'normal'
task with/without sub-tasks to a recurring one but I would like to know if I
can create sub-tasks of a recurring task and so have all of these recurr at,
for example, once a week.

I have a task that is a weekly review, taking place every Monday. To prepare
for this, a report has to be written at the very least the day before. There
are two reviews, one with the client and another with the project supervisor.
It doesn't matter if the client is seen before the supervisor. After both
meetings have taken place, any changes to the project have to be incorporated
into the overall plan.

I had set this up as a normal task and then tried to copy and paste the
sub-tasks (generate report, client meetings, supervisor meeting and
incorporate changes) into the recurring one. But all the dates got messed up
and the recurrances didn't happen weekly and I had to set them manually as
occuring x number of days after the last one had ended, kinda negating the
point of creating a recurring task really!

Any help/suggestions gratefully received. ;-)


Mike Glen

Hi Louise,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You can't convert any task into a recurring task. You have to select
Insert/Recurring task and you get what you've seen - a single task recurring
as entered, but you can't progress automatically beyond that. Anything else
has to be entered manually. Recurring tasks were primarily designed for

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hi Mike

Thanks for the tip, I'm assuming it would therefore be best to have the four
tasks that make up the 'weekly review' as individual recurring tasks?

I'll give that a go and see how I get on!!

Many thanks

Mike Glen

You're welcome, Louise :)

Yes. You will then have to link the components as necessary. If you have
many of these, you might consider automating the process with some vba. If
so, try posting on the developer newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24.
Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project
information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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