recursive section with conditional formatting


Cosimo Galasso

I have a recursive section with conditional formatting.
I succeeded to add conditional formatting on the parent section not allowing
to insert new item, but I can always insert sub section.
How can insert conditional formatting on th sub section ?


Adam Harding


Your condition form formatting relies on a value from the Recursive section
or sub section. Check this as the conditional format seems to work with my

Cheers adam

Cosimo Galasso

I put a conditional formatting don't allowing user to insert or remove the
section, based on the value of some fields in main data source.

But I'm not able to forbid user to insert o remove the recursive section.


Adam Harding


Within the recursive section the repating table cannot be conditionally
formatted at all by its own definition.

I just set up a dummy form with a text box and a recursive section
speicifying that if Text Box is not blank then prevent users from inserting
or removing the section

Put a value in Text box and it stopped me adding the recursive section.
What it does not prevent is the ability to repeat the repeating table inside
the recursive section. that cannot be conditionally formatted.

I hope this helps


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