Red border to the drawing area



I did something to a drawing it got a red border. Now when I insert a new
shape it is in red colour and a new drawing page also gets this red border.
Dont know what it is . It does not allow me to edit the drawing or either
copy it.
Please help.


Paul Herber

I did something to a drawing it got a red border. Now when I insert a new
shape it is in red colour and a new drawing page also gets this red border.
Dont know what it is . It does not allow me to edit the drawing or either
copy it.
Please help.

Try using the drawing explorer (menu View -> Drawing Explorer)
in the Foreground Pages section, find the appropriate page and go
through each shapeand see if this causes a border type shape to be

If you have no luck with this you could email me the file on
paul at pherber dot com
and I'll have a look.

David Parker

It sounds like you are in Track Markup mode.
Under the Tools menu, ensure that Track Markup is Off

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