red x when I try to copy graphic - Why?



I have downloaded digital picutres in jpg format - try to paste them into
word document get red x - why? I empited my cache so that is not it - help!!
this is recent used to be able to paste - now nothing!!

Rae Drysdale

Look for a checkmark in Tools | Options and under the Show section Picture
Placeholders. Remove the checkmark. Does this solve your problem?


nope - still the red x - could my image be 16 bit rather than 8 bit - if so
how can I tell? how can I change form a 16 to 8? - looking forward to any
help - thank you in advance


I have read and reread that document - have 2003
what is interestng is that I can copy paste into frontpage but not word -
still frustrated
my box is unchecked
don't understnad why this is happening - literally a few weeks ago I was
manipulating pictures and playing with them - now nothing - please let me
know if you have other suggestions - I am all ears!


What happens if you use Insert>Picture>From File rather than pasting? What
program are you copying in?

I believe the problem is that there are a variety of 'flavors' of JPEG & I'm
not certain that Word's filters are up-to-date with some of the more recent
varieties (Nikon camera, by chance?). The issue will most likely resolve if
you open the image in the camera's editing software (or other graphics app)
& Save *before* inserting directly into a Word doc after the d/l.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I have tried the insert way and get the same thing - yes Nikon - shouldn't
this already be resolved - look how many people are having the same
difficulties - I make a calendar for the family (huge family) each year and
start about now but now I don't know - I will try using the camera software
but I don't understand why I could play with all the pictures 3 weeks ago and
now cannot - I appreciate your efforts to help me

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