Redaction Add on - no longer available on


William Dowell


The add on redaction tool for redacting in Word 2007 was about at one point
- i used it! biut now all searches lead to a "no longer available'

Ive tried sending a message through the site but had no response. this is
getting quite annoying!! I am a great fan of microsoft; a tester and avid
user of Office 2007 - surely some news on the status of this tool could be
made availble??

Kind regards,


William Dowell

Given that there was a seperate add on for 2007 that has oddly dissapeared
(it's even mentioned on various blogs by Microsoft office employees) and that
it says on the 2003 page "This download works with the following Office
programs: Microsoft Office Word 2003" I assume not

Indeed; just to prove i am not a total idiot, i have to instal it; and it
starts going on about Getting the net framework. Clearly; given i am using
Windows Vista that has version 3 of this, i am not going to start doing of

The point is here though is that there WAS a version availble. what on earth
happend to it???!!

William Dowell

I’ve just got off the ‘phone to Microsoft. After 32 minutes and speaking to
no less than 7 departments, they came back with 'it’s still in testing'.

I can hardly claim to be impressed. No timeframe for when it will be back on
the servers; no explanation about why the website is up; why the tool WAS
available but now pulled; nothing. A paying customer, System builder;
Microsoft Partner; dedicated beta tester foe the past 6 years, developer, I
believe it is absolutely pathetic the level of "service" I have just
received. Is this what my customers get when they buy Microsoft software from
me and then call up? One of the guys couldn’t event spell ‘redaction’ and
repeatedly asked me to help him out! Then each time they passed the call to
someone else; the information passed to them was either wrong or half
complete. The general level of competence is abysmal. Right now I feel
utterly ashamed of selling / testing products of Microsoft when this is what
my customers could receive.

My friends call me a Microsoft "fan". I should perhaps call them up right
now; and let them see the state I am in! I’m going to call the Microsoft
Partners helpline and see what they think.


I'm working with word 2003. I have already downloaded the redaction tool.
the problem is that the toolbar doesn't show up on the word screen when you
are working in a document and there is no way to use ut. I'm looking for a
way to access it when I'm in a document and want to redact it. I'm a judge
in the Social Security Disability program and work with personally
identifiable information. Often I want to keep a decision I write but
eliminate the PII. I had this installed but it disappeared so I went to the
trouble of removing it and reinstalling in but now the Tool Bar doesn't show
up so I have no way of actually redacting the document. anyone have a

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