Hi Bill,
There were some issues with the 2003 version and I've not seen any dates relating to a 2007 version since the Beta version of the
Word 2007 Redaction Add-in was dropped from the Microsoft downloads site some time back.
There was some discussion in the groups here awhile back on being able to do this by using a character style (if I recall correctly)
to highlight items to be redacted in a document then use the Find/Replace dialog [manually or through a macro] to replace the
marked/highlighted content with blank spaces, and to optionally paint the space with color if desired, as one DIY approach, or use a
dedicated 3rd party tool such as
http://www.rapidredact.com that can work in more than just Word.
When will there be a Redaction add-in for Word 2007? >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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