Reddick Naming Convention



I'm trying to figure out the Reddick VBA Naming Conventions - or, more
specifically, how to incorporate these conventions into an Access mdb. For
example, should the Table fields follow the convention? Do I name the Table
field "txtFirstName" as well as the textbox field on the Form? This does
not seem to make sense since I could have "txtEmployee_ID" as a field on the
Form and then need to have "lngEmployee_ID" in the Table. Does that mean
the naming convention only applies to Forms -- e.g. "txtEmployee_ID" on the
Form and "Employee_ID" in the Table? Or is the Reddick naming convention
intended to apply only to unbound objects? I looked at Microsoft's
Northwind.mdb but, curiously, that does not appear to follow the Reddick
conventions. If anyone can help me with this I'd really appreciate it. A
sample mdb that properly incorporates the Reddick naming convention would be

Duane Hookom

This is up to you how you want to implement it. I don't apply txt or lng or
sng prefixes to any field names. I do prefix each field name with 3
characterst that identify the table. For instance:

The first field is always an autonumber, primary key using the same exact

Otherwise, I follow the txt, cmd, lbo,... control naming as well as form,
query, report,... naming.


Thanks for the tip. I've surfed the net for examples and given it some more
thought -- I've concluded it's not worth my time to use tags in bound
fields, or the corresponding table fields. As for unbound fields,
variables, and other objects, I'll stick with the Reddick conventions. Like
you said, it's really up to the programmer and how consistent he is with
whatever he uses.

Duane Hookom

You will never regret finding a workable naming convention and applying it

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